Sunday, March 25, 2012

Operation Great Wolf Lodge!

We did it! We had our mini vacation at Great Wolf Lodge! It was so much fun! The whole family was pretty satisfied with the whole weekend. It was nice to play in the water and get away from the house for 24 hours.

It was also so much fun to see how well Alyssa and Avalyn played together. They are going to be best friends, they were such good girls! It was also awesome to be able to spend time with Val again, we haven’t been able to talk and hang out for a long time. It was much needed.

I think we’re also going to make it an annual event. I can’t wait till next spring break!

It's Alyssa! Isn't she a cutie? I got this shot completely by accident. A happy accident indeed.

Oh yeah, they're buddies. Can you believe it's March in Michigan and our girls are in shorts? I can't. Wow!

They even walk in stride.

Baby mullets unite!

Our room!

This is where the kids stayed.

The inside

The sink - yes I got carried away.

Where we stayed

Sliding door!

This is what happens when I turn my back for three seconds.

The view from our room.

Our patio that we didn't use because it was raining. Bummer!

Full view! The ceilings were really high.

Our room number!

The Waterpark. Wow.

Avalyn looks so little by comparison.

Avalyn loved the giant water bucket.

The runaways!

 She loved the texture in this area.

The daddies taking their baby girls to the water bucket.

Alyssa had the best reaction!

Look away!

Time to relax after the water bucket excitement!

Val, Matt, and Keith went under the bucket one last time before it was time to go home. 

Matt helping Avalyn put on her golden shoes.

The Great Wolf Lobby!

The lobby again!

The fireplace

Sitting with a bear. They were both tired.

Playing downstairs after their nap. What's more fun than throwing things at Keith?

Nothing apparently!

Did everyone else have a great spring break? I hope so!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Pinewood Derby and Weird Weather

Keith had his pinewood derby today for Cub Scouts. His car didn't win his race, but he did win for "Best Space Travel Design." Good work Keith!

Here's the side view.

Back view (Keith added flames so it'd be fast)

Front view

Proud boy!

In other news it has been insanely warm here! The kids and I have been playing outside all week long. Are we really in Michigan? It’s in the eighty’s here. In March… 

Of course we're loving it! Who doesn’t love being outside and playing on the porch with chalk all day? I know I’m all in!

It’s just somewhat difficult to play in the yard being that there’s still  a foot of snow out there in some spots.

Yeah, really weird.

Want some pictures? I know you do!

Avalyn was playing "peek-a-boo" with the camera.
 Woot sandbox fun!
 Avalyn is a shovel hoarder.
Keith helping with the cleanup fro the blizzard two weeks ago. Weird right? Blizzard then 80 degrees... 
 Only in Michigan can you shovel snow with bare feet in 80 degree weather.
Looks like I need to sweep the deck... or have someone else do it, because I can't be trusted sweeping!
 They were raking the snow so it would go away faster.
 Another Only in Michigan picture. No matter how much I tried to keep her out of the snow she had to step in it! In sandles no less!
 Chalk time! And probably time to shop for summer clothes.
 Mommy and Avalyn in our awesome sunglasses!
Walking around the snow in the yard. Good times!
 This is what my porch looked like at the end of the week. Best kind of chaos ever!

Anyone else have super weird weather? Or a pinewood derby? I hope everyone had as good of a week as we did. I can't complain at all. Not even about my foot. Well... maybe a little... ^_~