This morning when Avalyn and I woke up her eye wasn't crusted over like it has been lately, and there wasn't as much discharge. So, we might be getting somewhere. Here's hoping...
She sees the pediatric ophthalmologist in a month from today. He will determine if the blockage is something that needs surgery or if we'll let it unblock on its own. I can't even begin to guess what he will decide. We went in at the beginning of July so he would have given us four months to let it unblock itself. However, in the last week progress has been made so here's hoping surgery won't be necessary.
In other news Avalyn was making progress towards rolling but now she has lost interest in it. Her new interest is grabbing her feet and screaming at her toys. She's babbling so much. I'm not sure what she's saying to me but I certainly respond. :)
She has also started to laugh which is amazing! So far she only laughs when she anticipates something, but I'm sure she'll start laughing at other things soon!

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