This date last year was when we had a scare (I was six weeks pregnant) and I had to go to the emergency room. What could have been a sad/scary day turned out great! I got to see my baby girl (didn't know that yet) for the first time and watch the fast flutter of her heart. Amazing!
While waiting in the ER a Baptist minister, was there for someone in his congregation who was ill or hurt (I don't know the whole story), walked over to us and told us he knew they were there for me. I must have had a funny look on my face or something because he took my hand and told me everything would be okay and he would pray for us. I really wish I knew his name, or the location of his church, because he was such a nice man who gave me so much peace that night and I would love to visit his church.
Matt and I haven't found a church to join up here yet (because I am very picky) and it's starting to be a problem. I want to get Avalyn baptized and I would like to take Keith to church. I have never been overly religious and believe that if I lead a good life and listen to the Lord's teachings and follow them the best I can, then I am doing better than some. But lately Keith has been starting to read the Bible and is asking questions that I don't feel comfortable answering, so I think it's time to find a church.
I would also like to start to get to know people up here. We've lived here for three years and haven't made many friends that we see outside of work and it's hard to be so isolated.
We do have a few obstacles in the way... Getting up early (or going to bed late in Matt's case) will be very difficult with Avalyn, she is not an early morning baby. Also, Matt and I come from different denominations. I grew up in the UCC and Matt as a Lutheran. Also apparently he's turned off to churches entirely because of past issues, which I understand completely! So finding a place that suits us will be hard.
What we want to find in a church:
Open mindedness
Someplace small
A place that is not manipulative
A place with a nursery
Friendly people
A place that welcomes LGBT people - With all of these horrible stories in the news I feel like I need to be in a place that does not look down on these people but welcome them with open arms. I will NOT willingly be part of a place that believes in oppression. >:(
Okay, I'm off to find a church! Wish me luck!!!
I think we may have found a church up here to be a part of! They are affiliated with the UCC and seem really open minded. They only meet monthly in the evening (we don't have to get up early and try to get both kids ready) so it will fit in perfectly with our lifestyle! The next time they meet is November 7, so we are going to go check them out. I've contacted their communications lady and she seems very nice and welcoming. I'm really looking forward to this! :)
The Potter's House UCC
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