Next step was going out to the garage and finding extra wood
somewhere to turn into a support beam of sorts. Well, I found a 2X4 that was
the right size but it was dirty. What’s a girl to do? Oh yeah, sweep the darn
thing off! So I did.
Apparently, I am not mean to sweep. Somehow while I was
sweeping the dust/dirt/random garage stuff off the board I tripped or slipped
or something. I fell down. Awesome right? Hi, I’m Gwen, and I fall down way too
easily. I’m sure it has something to do with my center of gravity being
different since I’m all kinds of pregnant.
Either way, the fall wasn’t an easy or painless one. I fell
forward onto my hands (why hello abrasions on my palms, you are going to make it
fun to cook, type, sew… yeah all those things), landed on my right knee and
skinned that up pretty good (so fun to clean gravel out of open wounds!), and
landed on the top of my right foot. Weird right?
While I was cleaning up the parts of my body that were
bleeding I didn’t notice how much pain my foot was in. Not sure if it was
adrenaline or what but as soon as I put on some bandages and triple antibiotic
my foot started swelling and throbbing. It’s really looking like I broke it
somewhere. But, Matt won’t let me go to the doctor for it. He thinks it’s all
in my head. Jerkface.
Now I’m using my old crutches and foot brace to help me get
around. Carrying Avalyn has proven to be impossible. Stairs are a giant
struggle. And it’s just that much worse being pregnant! No pain meds allowed.
I did manage to get the futon sit-able though. That’s
something, right?
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