So, a while back I bought some fabric on sale that I really
liked and planned to make pillows out of them. Eight months later I am four
pillows happier! Take a look! It took me a few hours because Avalyn kept
running away with my fabric pens… crayons… chalk… anything she could get her
hands on.
My new pillows!
I also made another poncho. I’m so ready to sell these things. Everyone asks where I get them, but no one wants to buy them. Sad face! Guess it’s not in the cards. Oh well! At least I'm having fun! That's what matters, right?
Side view!
Front view
Avalyn was distracted by the flag.
"Look Mommy! Flag!"
Tonight Matt and Keith worked outside again, I'll post pictures tomorrow of our yet-to-be-tilled garden, as well as what I did to the kitchen to make it look less bare. Poor naked kitchen!
Anyone else being crafty lately? Making gardens? Dressing up a naked kitchen?